Monday, 15 February 2010


Todd Atticus said...


LostFromAtlas said...

i saw the screened tall ships ep covers you did. there awesome.
how did you stick them together and make the flaps and stuff! looks really well done.
Orlando Lloyd

Harriet Bridgwater said...

Heya! Thanks very much! Were you at the launch on saturday?
It was definately a labour of love, took an age to do, and will probably be reissued v soon, so we get to do it all again!!!
Umm, well firstly painstakingly hand printed all 250, with guides to cut. Then me and Jamie (drums) spent a LONG time cutting and scoring them all....which took 4 days. Then we just used bostik and lots of heavy books to glue them together.
At the time it seemed like we were never going to finish it, but it was worth it in the end!!
Just checked out your myspace, the off registration blue/red text, I did exactly the same thing for the boys and that very nearly ended up as the EP design!!! haha, just cant beat off registration sometimes!!
Are you thinking of hand making some stuff then?

LostFromAtlas said...

No unfortunately i live in leeds.

You screened them rite?
did you include the guides in the screen so you had them printed?
Always having problems with layout for packaging, because you have to know exactly where your cutting. Also the joining situation. All the glue ive tried either staines the stock or doesn't really stick!. whats bostik? From the images it looks like you have double sided take on the tabs?

They look awesome though. il have to get my hands on one.

Yeah i am just starting a final project on my art foundation course, so i thought id kill 2 birds with 1 stone and do my bands new ep packaging and try some nice hand made stuff. My first thought was to screen them but didn't really know what to do with the cutting and sizing. I guess its just painstakingly hard work haha.
Are you at uni doing art then?


haha also what stock did you use?

Harriet Bridgwater said...

Yeah they are screen printed, I put a couple of exposures of the design on one screen and worked off one at a time because after about 100 prints the emulsion tends to wear away!

We actually forgot to print the central guide so we knew where to cut, so we just had 4 corner guides, so we had to measure halfway each time and cut the edge down to the middle. I used snowdon cartridge which is 300gsm, got it in A1 sheets then figured out the most we could fit on one sheet was 10 (with hardly any waste), so that dictated the excess left over for the flaps. After cutting around the edge of the front cover we simply cut at an angle to the edge, the excess paper at the back being used as the flaps. Then we turned the whole print over and used the back of the scalpel to score the central fold and the flaps. Make sure you use a cutting board and sharp scalpels and a metal ruler (this makes it alot quicker).

We then glued all the flaps and held it down for a couple of minutes then put them under some heavy books until dry. Bostik is just all purpose glue, you can get it from most stationers, any glue is fine as long as its clear and strong!

I did Fine Art at Falmouth in Cornwall (this is where I met Tall Ships boys) and did my foundation in Stourbridge. I graduated last year and have been doing the boys designs since then..I have also done a few exhibitions and a few more coming up!
What do you specialise in? Yeah I remember doing my final project, haha, it seems like such a long time ago now!! You planning on going to uni?
I'm glad you like the designs, its always nice to hear that someone likes your work, after printing 250 though.....the love wears off, haha.
Let me know how you get on with the printing - you should definately do it! How many are you planning on printing? Send some designs over if you like, I would love to have a look!
